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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

should have stayed in bed

Ever have one of those days when you think you may have been better off staying in bed? Yeah. That was me yesterday. It started off well. I got up early enough to take a shower in the morning. I got to wear a new, super cute, brown tie cardigan and a fabulous felted flower brooch made for me by Keina for the first time! I even wore a bit of makeup. Haha.

Then disaster hit and my day turned sour. I was packed up and ready to go to work and I couldn't find my keys. These babies are hard to miss with a bright pink leather keychain on 'em! Finally I found them and I ran out the door, locked it, and turned around to see.. no car. I scanned the parking lot (much less cars than the norm) and no Betty. I quickly did the run through..did I park somewhere else last night? No. Omg. Omg. Was it..*gasp* stolen? Who would want my car?! No..no.. It was towed. The apartments have been posting signs lately saying cars would be towed without current permits so Saturday Alex went and got the current pass for my car. I put it on the dashboard and didn't think twice about it. Monday, when driving to work, it was sliding about and I have to assume it slid off. The towing company took a photo of my dashboard for the leasing office and yep, no permit. So frustrating but really no one's fault. Alex was at work so I had to take a taxi to get my car. It took me an hour to get up the nerve to take that taxi ride.. $200 ($170 for my car & $30 for the taxi ride) later and I was finally (4.5 hours later) on my way to work.

Then, the entrance to the toll road that I normally take was closed! lol. Other than that no glitches until later that night. On my way home my check engine light came on and didn't turn off. Ugh!! Anyone wanna buy me a new car? Haha.

My sweet husband is so awesome (and impatient..lol) and wanted to cheer me up so he gave me my birthday present 27 hours early. ;) I got a fabulously pink mini iPod! :D He also got me a $25 iTunes gift card so I could download 25 songs. While he was setting it up for me I made a little felt cozie for it. It's a snug fit because I didn't measure it properly but I think it's cute. :D (will post pics later!)


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