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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

holy cow

You would not believe how busy I am. Okay, maybe you would. But still. I think my to-do list is like the longest ever. Alex and I are constantly wishing for the magic drug that allows you to survive on no sleep because there are just not enough awake hours in a day. I know some of you have emailed me a couple of times and are wondering if I've recieved them. Let me just say that I most likely have. I have so many unanswered emails waiting and I'm sorry. There are a couple of you who I've promised blog banners to but I just don't have time right now. I promise as soon as I do, I'll be on it. Since I've been back from Heather's house I've done 0 creating. Zero. That tells you something, doesn't it? I'm not feeling overwhelmed though (thank God) because I've been really good about not taking on too much lately. Yay, me! There are a few things I've been meaning to post about so here's the quick run down:

♥ I got THE most awesome back tack ii gift from Laurie and she TOTALLY spoiled me rotten! The gift (which you can view here because she took awesome photographs) could not have been more perfect for me. She used vintage fabric in my favorite colors and the kit is a felting kit which I've been wanting to learn to do forever! Thank you so much, Laurie!

♥ There is a great new "carved stamp swap" here so go read all about it!
♥ The charity chunky book for "A Place to Bark", which I posted about here was pulled by [dumb] ebay because of their new charity rules. SO, the book has been relisted here and has about a day left. It was listed at the last bid on the previous auction and is going for $500. It's for a great cause so if ou have the money, please go bid! I saw the book last weekend and it's beautiful!! :)
♥ If you're in my {take flight} skinny fat book please check the list to see if I've recieved your pages and fee. There are two sets that seem to be lost in transit (which I'm really upset and sad about) so hopefully they come today. I hope to bind the books this weekend and ship them next week. I will keep you posted.
♥ In today's post - ATCs 'n stuff to Stacie, Kelly, and Friederike.


Blogger Sandrine (alias Didine ♥ ) said...

Don't worry my busier friend ever !!! I understand you so well ! Just don't forget to send me your address ! Big big hugs to ya and "courage" !

12:57 AM  

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