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Monday, January 08, 2007

woe is me


since i don't have a really pathetic photo of myself to share, you get pretty but dying roses. don't read this post unless you're ready to watch me play my tiny violin while i cry to myself. i am not doing well. not. at. all. some days you just feel so bad you have to tell someone. anyone that'll listen. i am tense. i am tired. i am sick. again! i'm grumpy. i'm annoyed. i have no. more. patience. i want to bury myself into a foot of covers and die for the day. i have two sick, whiny babies that i can't seem to help because they just keep crying. my head feels like it's going to split right in two... one half for each of them. my shoulders are so tense i imagine they could hold just about anything. and they probably are. i have pressure in my chest, a sore throat, and an icky cough. i'm torturing myself by thinking about a photography job i can't take. i'm all around feeling sorry for myself about now.

end of rant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joleen, I don't think there's anything I can do to make this better but I just want to say that I hope this rough patch in your life will pass. We all know how life can be, it can really wear you out.

I won't give you advice because I don't know everything that goes on in your world but know that I listened to you and did not judge you. My only suggestion is that you can make decisions that will benefit your well being, whatever they may be. I must add your photos of your seff are anything but pathetic. You inspred me to want to do a month of moi.

I'm not even sure I helped but hopefully you do feel that your blog buddies are here to support you :)

11:47 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

yep, have had many of *those* days myself. but they always pass. hope you feel better soon - i'm sending hugs and sunny days your way :)

11:59 AM  
Blogger Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Big E~HUGS coming your way!

I KNOW...I was like that all Fall right up till Christmas! I was starting to annoy myself!!! It SUCKS being sick and run down all of the time!

I'll think good thoughts just for you today! xoxoxo

12:00 PM  
Blogger aunt kim said...

Dear Joleen,

Oh the pain I feel for you right now! I don't miss those days at all. It's one thing to have to deal with your own body and illness but to add two more bodies to the equation...not fun at all. I just wish we lived closer to one another...

On a lighter note, your mom mentioned the dimmetap in a precious post. That might be a good idea right about now :)

Hugs and kisses to you!

1:29 PM  
Blogger gkgirl said...

that totally sucks.

hope you ALL feel better soon!

3:16 PM  
Blogger Anastasia said...

oh hugs to you...hope you feel better soon!
take care of yourself!

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally relate (except luckily not sick--that would really suck). Perhaps it's some post-holiday exhaustion, and the inevitable low before an an invigorating spring-back in the new year. Glad things are looking better as of your later post. Hang in there. All is well!!!! xo --L.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding? You KNOW you need at least ONE extra pair of hands. Don't be afraid to ask for them. I wish I had done that (asked a friend/neighbor/babysitter for help)when I was raising my children, but I tried to tough it out alone. Husband had given his best at the office and didn't have a whole lot left to give at day's end. That takes its toll. This is going to happen again, so next time, reach out and ask for help, OK? Rachel

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW...I don't have kids myself but I know it must be frustrating...I have a 9 yr old stepson and sometimes I just want to get under a pile of covers and scream too! but after all he's just a kid and I love him.

4:17 AM  

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