{love, joleen} the blog -->

Friday, April 21, 2006

{new look}

updated the looks/banners of my family member's blogs:
too much chicken
kimmy and kids
sundaisies & doodlebugs
hot dogs + p-nut butter

i'll create personalized banners for the first four people that request it. (please include your email.) i'll be contacting you shortly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh me, me, me!!

p.s. i love your blog - your face always makes me smile - such happiness in your eyes..

tammiecbennett AT gmail DOT com

6:03 PM  
Blogger Montreal Mama said...

I am comment number 2! I want one! :) graphicdesignchick at hotmail dot com - you rock!

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joleen,

I would like one also, but I don't really know how to blog. I started one entry on an e-blogger site, but don't even know how to get back to the place to enter something else, and then I need to learn how to upload photos.

I am now in an Alphabetica round robin, the one that your friend Heather is in, and I would like to have a blog like all the "big kids" do....if you can help that would be great, but if this is too big of a task (which I think it might be!), don't worry, you can make a banner for someone who knows what they are doing! Thanks for listening. Love, laura

just in case...duetabode@comcast.net

8:40 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Sorry, deleted the last one because I forgot my email...

It's been a long day...

Anyway, I'd love for you to create a banner for me!!!



8:52 PM  
Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

oh how i wish i would have gotten here sooner!!!
you have such a sweet soul joleen...
hugs to you this evening...

9:22 PM  
Blogger purplecupcake said...

Hi Joleen,
How much would you charge to create one? Thanks

11:51 PM  
Blogger purplecupcake said...

Wow, I normally check your blog everyday but the past two days have been so busy...You snooze you lose:o(
We could barter for a lotion bar maybe?

11:52 PM  
Blogger gkgirl said...

dang that newfoundland band
that asked my daughter's
choir to sing with them
last night for three hours
and made me miss being one of
the four...

next time you won't be so lucky...


6:20 AM  
Blogger Dawn said...

These are great..what a sweet girl you are!!

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sorry to make you people jealous, but you absolutely have to check out how cute the banner is that joleen made for my blog http://headfullofpixies.typepad.com

thank you joleen - so sweetly perfect...
please email me your address so i can put a little thank you in the mail

5:23 PM  

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